Рубрика: English. 12


Since our debates topic is about Euthanasia let us first understand what it actually is. Euthanasia refers to the practice of intentionally ending a person’s life to relieve suffering, typically due to an incurable illness or severe disability. It can be classified into different forms:

  1. Voluntary Euthanasia: This occurs with the explicit consent of the individual seeking to end their life. The person may be suffering from a terminal illness or intolerable pain and requests assistance to die.
  2. Non-voluntary Euthanasia: This happens when a person is unable to provide consent, perhaps due to being in a coma or having a severe cognitive impairment. In such cases, someone else makes the decision on their behalf based on prior wishes or best interests.
  3. Involuntary Euthanasia: This is performed against the explicit wishes of the individual. It involves ending a person’s life without their consent, which is often considered ethically and legally unacceptable.

Laws regarding euthanasia vary significantly across countries and states, with some permitting certain forms of assisted dying under strict conditions, while others have strict bans on any form of euthanasia or assisted suicide.

Since we now know what the topic is kind of about. This is my opinion on the subject. I would first of all like to say that It’s a complex and sensitive issue with no easy answers. Now I don’t think that euthanasia is bad or harmful to anyone in some cases i think that it needed, and it does end the suffering of many people. There are many pros and cons to this. Let me start with the pros.


As i mention before it does end the sufferings of many and although it is a very hard decision a lot of families and individual’s do think it’s a better option then letting their beloved or themselves suffer that much. Some people are tired from their suffers and just want to end it and this is medically the best option for them in my opinion. The principles of autonomy, compassion, and alleviating suffering, presenting euthanasia as a compassionate choice that respects an individual’s autonomy over their end-of-life decisions. However, it’s important to note that these pros are often countered by various ethical, moral, and practical concerns raised by opponents of euthanasia.


Opponents of euthanasia raise several arguments against its legalization, highlighting various ethical, moral, and practical concerns. Many argue that intentionally ending a person’s life, even in cases of terminal illness or extreme suffering, goes against the sanctity of life and ethical principles. Mistakes in diagnosis or prognosis are possible, leading to the premature ending of a person’s life. There might be situations where individuals who could have potentially lived longer or had alternative treatment options are mistakenly deemed incurable or terminal. There is also the using euthanasia as a murder weapon. It might sound weird and confusing at first but sadly there have been cases where doctors have used their advantages and have killed the vulnerable with euthanasia. It is very sad that these situations happen. These arguments against euthanasia often stem from concerns about preserving the value of life, protecting vulnerable individuals, maintaining ethical standards in medicine, and ensuring that alternative options for end-of-life care are adequately explored and available.


In conclusion, to come up with an answer for this topic is quite difficult even when taking into consideration the pros and the cons. By looking i can see that there are more disadvantages then advantages it is very difficult because Euthanasia can be a good thing if used correctly but can be very unfortunate if it is used with advantages or careless errors. I am very excited for our debate to understand what my classmates think and to understand how we can find a solution for this problem.

Рубрика: English. 12

English. 12


• What career paths have you been considering for your future?

I have plans to become a football player in the future, of course, I am currently working hard to achieve my goal.

• Have you identified any specific professions or industries that interest you?

Apart from football, I am interested in the work of a lawyer, because I like to protect people’s interests

• What factors are influencing your career choices, such as personal interests, skills, or family expectations?

My parents’ words and actions influence me to achieve my goal, because seeing my parents’ difficults and advice inspires me even more and i moves forward

Are you planning to continue your education after high school, and if so, in what field?

No, I prefer to submit my work to a physical education institute in order to deepen my knowledge even more in sports.

• Have you explored internships, apprenticeships, or job-shadowing experiences to gain insight into potential careers?

Yes, I imagined for a moment that I am a coach and the children are practicing football near me and I thought about how to be with the children as their older friend and motivate them for the games.

• How do you envision your ideal work-life balance in your future profession

I imagine when I become a football player, there will be difficulties both in football and in life. I am sure that I will overcome difficulties and everything is will be transient․

• Are there any challenges or obstacles you anticipate in pursuing your chosen career path?

Yes, there are many obstacles and challenges, and I like all of them very much, because all of them make a football player even more mentally strong and unyielding.

• What steps have you taken or plan to take to achieve your career goals?

To achieve football career, the first thing should be hard work and persistence. Diligence is an important factor for any job. If a person does not enjoy his work, it makes his work difficult․

• Have you considered the long-term prospects and job market trends for your chosen profession?

Yes, I watched and prepared a presentation.

• Do you have any role models or mentors who have influenced your career aspirations?

Yes, I faced many difficulties in my football career and I tried to analyze without anyone’s help. But there have been coaches that I will never forget because they have a huge investment in all aspects of my current success.

Рубрика: English. 12

English. 12

The annual VMA ceremony occurs before the end of summer and held either in late August or mid-September, and broadcast live on MTV, along with a “roadblock” simulcast across MTV’s sister networks since 2014, which is utilized to maximize the ceremony’s ratings. The first VMA ceremony was held in 1984 at New York City’s Radio City Music Hall. The ceremonies are normally held in either New York City or Los Angeles.

The statue given to winners is an astronaut on the moon, one of the earliest representations of MTV, and was colloquially called a “moonman”. However, in 2017, Chris McCarthy, the president of MTV, stated that the statue would be called a “Moon Person” from then on. The statue was conceived by Manhattan Design—also designers of the original MTV logo—based on the 1981 “Top of the Hour” animation created by Fred Seibert, Since the 2006 ceremony, viewers are able to vote for their favourite videos in all general categories by visiting MTV’s website. I personally watch the VMAs to see what the artist are going wear ,for the performances and just trying to guess who the winner is going to be.

Discussion questions

1. What is the Vmas and how does it differ from the Grammy awards?

2. How many categories are in the VMAs?

3. How are the nominees picked?

4.Do you know any iconic moments from the VMAs?

5. Whats your opinion on this years VMA awards?